restore® DOO
Kneza Mihaila 3, 11000 Beograd (RS)

Pozovite nas: +385 (0)11 441 92 60
Monday to friday
from 8 - 15:30h
On Saturdays, Sundays and holidays, we are only available by appointment and in emergencies.
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Infomation, billing, terms and conditions


1. Informations agreement

2. Billing agreement
Factoring note

3. Terms & Conditions
General agreements
Special agreements
Loading equipment
Demurrage / Diversion freight
Loading dates, delivery times
Minimum wage law

4. Final declaration

1. Informations agreement

Please note that as a freight carrier you are obliged to inform us immediately of any problems.

You are obliged to inform us that the goods have been loaded smoothly and on time. By portal email to or to the email address of the dispatcher responsible for you.

If you do not fulfill this obligation, we will deduct 25,00 EUR from the invoice/freight amount.

In addition, please note that you are obliged to inform us of the goods no later than 24 hours after unloading/handing over the goods by web on email to a valid one from all sides signed and legible delivery note / proof of delivery – POD / CMR – scan (We do not accept Photos).

If you do not fulfill this obligation, we will deduct 45,00 EUR from the invoice/freight amount.

In urgent cases, please contact the dispatcher responsible for you. You can reach them by email or telephone during our business hours.

2. Billing agreement

Please send your freight invoice to us in one copy including the CMR in one copy (readable) and attachments/enclosures in one copy, stating all loading and unloading points as well as our transport order number.

In the event of non-observance or compliance, we must charge you any additional costs incurred.

Please upload files on

1x Invoice / 1x Fright Order / 1x All proof of delivery (Included in the case of loading equipment exchange, the certificate of this.)  – POD / CMR


Please note that if the delivery note is illegible, unclear or partially cut off, we will not be able to process your invoice and there will be no payment. If you do not have a delivery note / proof of delivery – POD / CMR (Only SCAN – NO Photo!), no payment will be made!

These documents must be uploaded to our website or per email no later than 48 hours after going abroad. The payment details can be found in the respective order.
If you do not send us the invoice including the associated documentation (freight order and PODs) within 10 days, we will deduct 50,00 EUR from the freight invoice.

Note: If we do not receive your invoice including accompanying documentation within 7 days, we reserve the right to reduce your invoice by 50,00 EUR.

Factoring note:

We do not accept factoring without prior consultation and written consent. If you intend to settle through factoring, we kindly request that you inform us comprehensively beforehand. This includes providing us with the complete name of the factoring entity, its address, and banking details.

We reserve the right to reject certain factoring arrangements without providing reasons. Please note that any invoicing through factoring without prior consent will be deemed invalid. Such invoices will not be processed until you personally and under your own name settle the respective transaction and submit all necessary documents.

In principle, if you agree to billing via factoring, we will charge a processing fee of EUR 50.00, which will be deducted from the invoice total.

3. Terms and conditions


upon receipt with all supporting documents. As discussed reconfirm this order within 10 minutes. With the acceptance of this order you expressly declare the compliance with the regulations of the MiLoG We do not accept invoices by mail In case of non-compliance with the following GTC’s a freight reduction of 45,00 € will be made Your driver is responsible for both loading at loading points and unloading at unloading points.
By accepting a freight order by email or by returning a signed order by email or fax, you confirm that you have read our (1.) Information Agreement, (2.) Billing Agreement and (3.) Terms & Conditions and accept them.

General agreements:

The following agreement shall apply to all activities of the carrier and shall also apply to future transport orders, unless and until otherwise agreed.

The sequence of loading / unloading points must be strictly adhered to.
In case of delays / problems in the transport process and damage to the cargo, RESTORE DOO, Zanatlijska 7, 15000 Šabac (RS) (or the respective contact person) must be informed via e-mail or status report using our online facilities at All vehicles must be in clean and technically/optically perfect condition. In the case of tarpaulin vehicles, all aluminum or wooden boards must be in place. 12 Straps / locking bars for securing the load must be carried! In case the truck cannot be loaded by the customer due to technical deficiencies (e.g. tarpaulin leaking, technical deficiencies, condition of the loading area etc.) the carrier will immediately provide a replacement truck. RESTORE DOO, Zanatlijska 7, 15000 Šabac (RS) must also be informed about this immediately.

The transfer of the order to third parties without prior written consent is prohibited! Transhipments or additional loads are forbidden. For German National transports a basic liability of 40 SDR/kg gross according to § 449 II sentence 2 number 1 HGB is agreed. Deadlines must be observed. 

Special arrangements:

Unitary takeover is requested. The drivers are obliged to carry all transport documents and identification papers, driver’s card and driver’s license.

If the carrier is responsible for loading/unloading or lashing, he shall check accordingly. During the entire transport route, the carrier/driver is responsible for the continuous securing of the load in a manner safe for transport and for the proper subsequent securing of the load. Even in the case of partial unloading, appropriate load securing or subsequent securing must be ensured up to the last unloading point.

The truck used must be suitable for carrying out the transport and in technically perfect condition. The superstructures must be tight, clean and odor-free; in case of damage due to moisture penetration, we will hold you liable.
Deviations (number of pieces, quality, delays etc.) must be reported immediately and acknowledged on the consignment note. If there are indications on site, in particular on the basis of the loading documents or otherwise, that the consignment values are considerably higher than the specified values, instructions must be obtained immediately from RESTORE DOO, Zanatlijska 7, 15000 Šabac (RS).

The carrier must ensure that the vehicles are equipped with suitable load securing equipment (e.g. locking bars, partition wall fasteners, lashing straps, chains, nets and anti-slip mats) on board. Safety shoes are required in any case! If these criteria are not sufficiently available, retrofitting will be carried out against reimbursement of the expenses incurred on the basis of the price list of RESTORE DOO, Zanatlijska 7, 15000 Šabac (RS).
The freight charge shall be due upon presentation of all verifiable original transport documents, in particular delivery receipts with date, signature (name also in plain writing), stamp, time, consignment note, copy of the transport order, pallet exchange receipts from the consignor/consignee, etc.
The carrier is responsible for ensuring that the social law, labor law, tax law and other relevant legal regulations applicable to its own driving personnel are complied with.
You as the carrier assure that you have the necessary permits and authorizations for the transport according to §§ 3,6 GüKG, n.F. (permit, EU-license, third country permit, CEMT-permit), which has the necessary work permits.

Order acceptance

This order is considered accepted if you do not object or do not immediately reject the same order within 60 minutes / 1 hour after receipt. For orders whose loading is 48 hours or more in the future, we also accept cancellations up to 3 hours after order acceptance. After that, what is stated under order cancellation in our Terms & Conditions applies

Order cancellation / subsequent cancellation

a.) Please note that after accepting and confirming this order, you have exactly 60 minutes/1 hour to cancel it without giving reasons. For loads/orders 48 hours or more in the future, we also accept cancellations in the first 3 hours.
b.) Thereafter, cancellation of a confirmed/accepted order/load is subject to a charge!
c.) By accepting this order/load, you first agree that if you cancel under the conditions stated (under “a.”), we will charge you a cancellation fee of 15% of the agreed order value, but at least 99.00 EUR (flat rate – payable within 7 days of receipt of the invoice).
d.) In addition, by accepting the order/load, you accept that all costs incurred that we can prove, ranging from additional costs in re-awarding the order/load to claims for damages by our customer, can be passed on to you and you will bear these in full will pay (also payable within 7 days of receipt of the invoice).

Parking in guarded parking lots:

Stopovers may only be made at guarded parking lots. Before taking over the transport, the carrier used shall clarify the route and shall
ensure, by means of suitable routes, that the driver uses only guarded parking areas in the event of breaks in the journey which are nevertheless necessary. The list of guarded truck parking places of the IRU is known. If guarded parking lots are not available, the route as well as the departure and estimated arrival time must be planned in such a way that the truck does not have to be parked unguarded at night. A driver remaining in the vehicle who is not active is not considered to be guarding.

Regardless, trucks shall be equipped with commercially available anti-theft devices.
Before resuming the journey after interruptions in operation, the driver must in any case make a tour of the vehicle (team) and, in addition to checking the roadworthiness of the locks, check that any seals are intact and, in the event of any abnormalities, immediately request instructions.
In case of agreement of certain delivery modalities to reduce the risk of theft, the driver is only entitled to make the delivery to the persons foreseen in the transport order in compliance with the specifications. Changing the specifications during the transport is excluded for security reasons.
The drivers are to be sufficiently informed of the theft problem and their corresponding duties to secure the goods verbally and in writing per driver instruction by means of a driver instruction sheet regarding guarded parking spaces (see list of IRU on the Internet at Receipt of the instruction sheet must be confirmed by the driver.
If a case of damage nevertheless occurs, it is important that the carrier can prove that he has taken the necessary organizational measures by instructing his drivers or assigned sub-carriers accordingly.


The carrier is obliged to cover and maintain liability through insurance. The sum insured shall be at least 600.000,00 EUR. In case the insurance coverage is limited to less than 1.000.000 EUR million insurance coverage in case of qualified fault (§ 435 HGB (German rights), Art. 29 CMR), the carrier shall notify this in writing before taking over the order. If the annual insurance coverage is exhausted, the carrier is obliged to immediately purchase additional insurance coverage. The insurance confirmation and the proof of premium payment shall be presented upon first request.

Loading equipment:

If goods are taken over on Euro / lattice box pallets etc. other means of exchange, these must be exchanged free of charge immediately, but no later than 14 days after the respective unloading date. Originals of the loading equipment bills are to be presented at the time of settlement. After unsuccessful expiry of the deadline, the client is entitled without further ado to charge damages for each europallet/box pallet not exchanged in due time and return costs in the net amount 28,00 EUR (europallet and 110,00 EUR (box pallet). Exchange items returned after the deadline cannot be taken into account. The barter transaction shall be governed by the provisions of the applicable liability regulations (HGB (German rights)/CMR). The Contractor shall recognize any settlement of the loading equipment as final if he does not object in writing within 7 working days after the date of dispatch of the settlement. Any claims exceeding this period shall be forfeited after expiry of this period.

Demurrage / Diversion freight:

Demurrage charges require a written agreement in each individual case to be effective. In the event that reasonable loading times are threatened to be exceeded, instructions must be obtained from the customer without delay. Compensation for damages due to exceeding the loading/unloading times up to 12 hours per event are included in the agreed freight price and otherwise excluded, such and demurrage for Sundays / and holidays are included in the price. If it comes as a result of a disposition of the consignor to the approach of a further place of delivery or if the distance of the journey is reduced, then an appropriate, proportionally calculated freight corresponding to the actual distance is owed. A right of retention or lien due to demurrage and possible forwarding freight is excluded in this context. Furthermore, it is agreed that claims for compensation in case of transport damages can be settled. Transportation by air freight or air substitute transport is excluded.

Loading dates, delivery times

In the event of delays and late arrivals at the place of loading and unloading, we adhere strictly to international CRM law. This means that you can be held liable if costs are incurred by our customer.

Special clause:
By accepting this freight order you expressly agree:
1. “Delay at the place of loading” by more than one hour / 60 minutes, you give us the right to deduct 90,00 EUR from you as a lump sum and without giving any further reasons. 2. “Delay at the place of unloading” by more than one hour / 60 minutes, you give us the right to deduct 90,00 EUR as a lump sum and without giving any further reasons.

By accepting this freight order, you expressly agree to this clause and thereby assure us that you will act in the best possible way and without placing yourself behind the protective shield of simple CMR law, simply not adhering to the loading and unloading times specified in advance and later contractually determined by acceptance of the freight order.
Please note that this special clause refers to the freedom of contract.

Any further compensation for damages shall remain unaffected in both cases. Unloading dates shall be deemed to be delivery times within the meaning of Art. 19 CMR. The Contractor acknowledges that compliance with delivery dates is of particular importance to us. Before accepting the transport order, the contractor must check whether the delivery date can be met.

Contracting Parties / Invoice / Payment

The freight contract is concluded between RESTORE DOO, Zanatlijska 7, 15000 Sabac (RS) – VAT: RS110727643 / a company registered in Serbia under the law of limited liability company. In certain cases, our customer can become the client directly and then the order is accepted and invoiced directly through them. The payment details are always stated in the freight order to the left of the freight order. Please send the invoice to If you do not send us the invoice including the associated documentation within 10 days, we will deduct 49,00 EUR from the freight order.

Minimum wage law:

The carrier confirms that he employs his workers according to the minimum wage of the respective country. You also confirm that you will monitor this and indemnify us, the RESTORE DOO, Zanatlijska 7, 15000 Šabac (RS) from any financial and legal damages in case of possible non-compliance and that you will fully bear these costs if incurred.Choice of Law / Place of Jurisdiction – Serbian law applies, place of jurisdiction is agreed to be Šabac (RS).

Contracting Parties / Invoice / Payment

The freight order in the sum contract is concluded restoreⓇ DOO – Logistic Solutions, Zanatlijska 7, 15000 Sabac (Serbia – RS).
Both companies are equally liable for all liabilities towards transport companies. Both companies have the obligation and the right to enforce all conditions agreed here from the order, the INformation Agreement, Billing Agreement, Note of Billing, Terms & Conditions against the transport company.
The payment details are always stated in the freight order to the left of the freight order. Please send the invoice to If you do not send us the invoice including the associated documentation within 10 days, we will deduct 59,00 EUR from the freight order.


If you breach the terms of this entire agreement consisting of the Information Agreement, Billing Agreement, Note of Bill or Terms & Conditions, we reserve the right to issue you a counter-invoice without further notice and to automatically offset this against your freight invoice. Following our reduced payment, you will only receive a counter-invoice.

In all other cases, such as damage to the goods or other unforeseeable claims by our direct or indirect clients, we will hold you liable, declare liability immediately, but no later than 14 days after the end of the damage event, and send it to you.
You then have the right to prove the opposite at any time.

4. Final declaration

Please note that by accepting a freight order from us you agree to and accept all of the provisions made here:
1. you agree to: the information agreement
2. you agree to: the billing agreement (including factoring note)
3. you agree to: our Terms & Conditions
4. You agree: that the court location is Serbia – Sabac and that proceedings will be carried out in accordance with Serbian law.
5. You agree to: our contractual penalties for non-compliance with the requirements here (1.), (2.), (3.) and (.4).

The company RESTORE DOO (a limited liability company under Serbian laws and regulations) reserves the right to the (1.) Information agreement, (2.) Billing agreement, (3.) Terms & Conditions as well as the Final declaration as applicable to adapt, previous transports remain the same as before.

Portal (Status, POD and invoice delivery)
1. Submit status reports via portl:
2. You can send delivery receipts/PODs to us at:
3. Send us invoices including all associated documents to: or per Email on

If there are legal errors in a sentence or in a section, this does not invalidate the entire agreement and these Terms & Conditions! These remain in effect for the rest!
Please note that the documents we publish, but especially the “Information Agreement” and “Terms and conditions” are valid and subject to changes and additions.
01.05.2024, Sabac – Serbia

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